Kaya is one of our biggest supporters. In 2022 he once again supported us with verve and dedication, namely at our basketball tournament of the 6th august. In addition, the rapper Luuk participated in a SPORTEGRATION event for the first time.


One of the biggest highlights of 2022 was the basketball tournament with comedian Kaya Yanar and musician Luuk in the summer.

The preceding weeks were marked by intense preparation. Participant lists had to be fixed, basketball jerseys ordered and basketball rules explained. When the participants arrived at the ASVZ Hönggerberg on the 6th august it was pure chaos. The jerseys had to be distributed (not always in the right size) and the teams had to be formed. From the first whistle we were happy that the tournament went smoothely. One snag: Kaya injured his foot in the group phase and had to go to the hospital! We are still very thankful for his support and commitment.

Der Turniersieg ging an das Team von Armando, Mohammed und Faranak, welche wir dank der Unterstützung von On mit einem tollen Preis küren konnten. Alle Teams haben uns aber mit ihrem tollen Teamwork überzeugt - keine Selbstverständlichkeit, wenn man zufällig mit Mitspieler*innen zusammengewürfelt wird. Ebenfalls besuchte uns das Team von Plentii (Crowdsourcing-Plattfrom für Non-Profit Organisationen) und schrieb auch einen Blogbeitrag zum Event. Über ihre Plattform suchten wir nach freiwilligen Basketball-Schiedsrichter*innen. Über die Plattform meldeten sich mehrere Persoen welche anschliessend tatkräftig bei der Umsetzung des Events mitanpackten und somit einen wesentlichen Anteil am gelungenen Event hatten.

The eventual winning team was composed by Armando, Mohammed and Faranak who, thanks to On's support, we could give a great prize. But every team convinced us with their great teamwork - not a given when you're assigned team mates at random. In addition, the team from Plentii (crowdsourcing platform for non-profits) paid the event a visit and wrote a blog entry about it. Through their platform we searched for volunteers to be a basketball referee. Multiple people got in touch through the platform who then energetically supported us in the implementation of the event and in no small part contributed to its success.