
4 I9 A2309
Jürg Ziegler Material Arts Center, Technikumstrasse 73, 8400 WinterthurWednesday, 5/22/2024, 06:30 PM - 08:15 PM

Discover the art of boxing in our training! From classic punches to sophisticated evasive moves - we will gently introduce you to the world of boxing.

Gain precision in jabs and crosses, master hooks and upper cuts and learn how to elegantly evade your opponent's punches. Our running school sharpens your footwork for lightning-fast maneuvers, be it in attack or defence.

In sparring, you will experience the practical application of the techniques you have learned. Under safe conditions and with protective equipment, you can use all permitted boxing techniques. The focus is on respect, fairness and adapting to the level of your sparring partner.