Volley-For-All: A day full of sport, integration and community


The SPORTEGRATION volleyball team was able to take part in the successful Volley-For-All event in collaboration with "Circle of Young Humanitarians" and "Swiss Volley"

On 8 September, SPORTEGRATION had the pleasure of taking part in the "Volley-For-All" event together with the Circle of Young Humanitarians and Swiss Volley. The aim of the event was to bring refugees and locals together for an unforgettable day of sport, team spirit and fun. A highlight of the day was the participation of Swiss national players, who shared their know-how and expertise with the participants.


With a total of 50 players, coaches and volunteers, the event was a complete success. Our 14-strong SPORTEGRATION team was of course there, actively supported by two dedicated coaches who accompanied and motivated the team.


Of course, there was also plenty of catering. Thanks to the generous support of Alba Sourdough Pizza and BakeryBakery, we were able to fortify ourselves with delicious pizzas and cookies after the games.

Fotos by Tobin Meyers.