Strong partnerships for sustainable integration


For many of our sports courses, we rely on valuable partnerships that enable us to further expand our programmes and successfully promote the integration of refugees. One of the many important partnerships we have in Basel is with CrossFit Basel.

Thanks to this collaboration, we can:

  • Provide professional and trained trainers for our community who support the participants with their expertise and experience.
  • Gain access to high-quality training materials and rooms to provide optimal training conditions.
  • Facilitate encounters and dialogue between locals and refugees, thereby strengthening the sense of community.

We would like to thank CrossFit Basel for their great support and look forward to further joint projects!

We are always on the lookout for further collaborations. If you are interested in supporting us in our mission to enable sustainable integration for refugees through sport, please get in touch with us by  Mail or WhatsApp.

Together we can achieve even more!