Safeguarding Measures

At SPORTEGRATION equality, mutual respect, and community spirit are central to all our activities. We are lucky to have a large and diverse community, as well as dedicated staff. We want everyone to feel safe, happy and included within our community. To ensure this, we have implemented some safeguarding measures, which we will introduce to you on this page.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct is a set of community rules explaining how we expect all our community members to behave when they take part in any SPORTEGRATION activities or events. 

There are two Code of Conducts: one for our general community and one for our employees and volunteers.  

The Participant Code of Conduct has been translated into all the major languages that are spoken within our community. Is your language not available and you want to translate the Code of Conduct or did you find some mistakes – let us know! 

I will ...

I will not ...

Participant Code of Conduct

All translations


Staff Code of Conduct



Code of Conduct



What happens if someone violates the Code of Conduct?

Did someone do something to you or others that is against the SPORTEGRATION community rules (Code of Conduct)? 

If someone behaves towards you in a way that breaks the community rules, you can always tell us! 

What's the quickest way to reach us?

You can reach the Complaint Officers in three ways: 

  • By filling in the complaint form: through this form you can also reach the Complaint Officers without telling your name (anonymously) if you want to.  
  • By sending them an email: 
  • By sending them a WhatsApp message: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. You can also send a voice message! 

To find out more about our complaint management system, you can read our Complaint Policy. 

Complaint Form

Hier kannst du uns direkt mit deinem Anliegen per Complaint Form erreichen.

Beschwerde einreichen

Complaint E-Mail

Hier kannst du uns direkt mit deinem Anliegen per E-Mail erreichen.

E-Mail senden

Complaint WhatsApp Nummer

Hier kannst du uns direkt mit deinem Anliegen per WhatsApp erreichen.
