Sportegration Partners
SPORTEGRATION would not exist without its numerous partners. At this stage we sincerely thank all our funding partners, sponsors and community partners for their invaluable support and cooperation!
Our funding partners 2025
arcas foudnation
The Arcas Foundation primarily promotes innovative, stimulating and entrepreneurial approaches with a lasting impact, with the aim of strengthening the social bonds in Switzerland through integration and more equal opportunities.
Read moreLaureus Foundation Switzerland (Main Partner)
The Laureus Foundation Switzerland is one of eight national foundations of the global Sport For Good Foundation. Since 2023, SPORTEGRATION has also been powered by Laureus.
Read moreOn AG
On has long been one of our most prominent partners. As part of their Right to Run program, they support various projects that aim to lower the barriers to playing sports and thus make them accessible to everyone - including SPORTEGRATION.
Read moreSophie und Karl Binding Stiftung
The Sophie and Karl Binding Foundation is a charitable foundation that aims to promote and strengthen social cohesion and equality in Switzerland.
Read moreVontobel Stiftung
The Vontobel Foundation, which has been committed to social, cultural and scientific projects since 1960, has been supporting SPORTEGRATION since 2024. With this partnership, they are strengthening our vision for better coexistence.
Read moreGemeinnützige Stiftung Hans A. Bill
With its commitment, the Hans A. Bill Charity Foundation aims to alleviate the effects of poverty, strengthen organic agriculture and promote sports as a tool for social integration. We are pleased that SPORTEGRATION is also amongst their sponsoring partners.
Read moreTemperatio
The Temperatio Foundation is a non-profit organisation that focuses on the promotion of social projects and education and once again supports SPORTEGRATION to enable better coexistence and greater accessibility in sport.
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Our funding partners 2024
Laureus Foundation Switzerland (Main Partner)
The Laureus Foundation Switzerland is one of eight national foundations of the global Sport For Good Foundation. Since 2023, SPORTEGRATION has also been powered by Laureus.
Read morearcas foudnation
The Arcas Foundation primarily promotes innovative, stimulating and entrepreneurial approaches with a lasting impact, with the aim of strengthening the social bonds in Switzerland through integration and more equal opportunities.
Read moreasuera Stiftung
The Asuera Foundation promotes projects in the fields of Technology, Sport and Exercise. Since 2020, SPORTEGRATION has also been able to count on the support of the Asuera Foundation.
Read moreOn AG
On has long been one of our most prominent partners. As part of their Right to Run program, they support various projects that aim to lower the barriers to playing sports and thus make them accessible to everyone - including SPORTEGRATION.
Read moreVontobel Stiftung
The Vontobel Foundation, which has been committed to social, cultural and scientific projects since 1960, has been supporting SPORTEGRATION since 2024. With this partnership, they are strengthening our vision for better coexistence.
Read moreIntegration office of the canton of Zürich
The Integration Office, located within the Department of Justice and Home Affairs, coordinates specific integration promotion in the Canton of Zurich.
Read moreSophie und Karl Binding Stiftung
The Sophie and Karl Binding Foundation is a charitable foundation that aims to promote and strengthen social cohesion and equality in Switzerland.
Read moreTides Foundation
Die Tides Foundation ist eine US-amerikanische gemeinnützige Organisation, die sich für soziale und ökologische Gerechtigkeit einsetzt. Darunter auch SPORTEGRATION.
Read moreDieses Engagement ist für uns von grossem Wert und ermöglicht es dem Verein, sich weiterzuentwickeln und zu wachsen.
Read moreFachstelle Integration und Antirassismus Kanton Basel-Stadt
Die Fachstelle Integration und Antirassismus koordiniert mit verschiedenen Partnern*innen die Umsetzung der Basler Integrationspolitik, entwickelt Konzepte und unterstützt neue Einwohner*innen für einen gelungenen Start in Basel.
Read moreici. gemeinsam hier.
The Migros commitment funding program "ici. gemeinsam hier." supports people who voluntarily commit themselves to equal-opportunity coexistence in Switzerland.
Read moreR&Co4Generation Foundation
The R&Co4Generation Foundation aims to provide targeted support for disadvantaged young people. Among them are the participants in SPORTEGRATION.
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Our sponsors
- Material
- Trainings
On has long been one of our most prominent partners. As part of their Right to Run program, they support various projects that aim to lower the barriers to playing sports and thus make them accessible to everyone - including SPORTEGRATION.
Read moreMc Shirt
- Discount
Mc Shirt has stood for quality in the field of textile printing and embroidery since 1981. We customise all kinds of textiles, from individual items to large quantities. We have also been able to rely on them for our merch printing for several years now. We not only value the quality of the products, but also the collaboration with personal exchange, customisation and sustainable cooperation.
Read moreHanuman Yoga
- Room sponsoring
- Coaches
- Trainings
At Hanuman Yoga Basel, the team greets people with warmth and joy, continuously educates themselves, and is dedicated to sharing years of yoga practice and knowledge. Joy in people and movement is at the core. The yoga classes are characterized by structured and effective lesson plans, creative sequences, and detailed and precise instructions. The team adapts the traditional practice to modern lifestyles during the yoga sessions.
Read moreTiago de Paula BJJ
- Trainings
The dojo was founded in 2017 by Tiago De Paula. It is a family-orientated dojo where there is a friendly atmosphere with many different nationalities. There are 230 respectful students who help each other grow as people. The dojo opens two of its training sessions to refugees from our organisation.
Read moreUnder one Roof - Spirit Studio Basel
- Room sponsoring
- Coaches
- Trainings
Seit rund 20 Jahren schon begeistert das Spirit Studio die unterschiedlichsten Menschen mit einem abwechslungsreichen und hochstehenden Trainingsangebot. Gemäss dem Leitsatz «teach people, not poses» steht bei uns klar der Mensch im Fokus. Unser Know how aus Sportwissenschaft, Rehabilitation, Trainingsgestaltung und langjähriger Unterrichtserfahrung garantiert unseren Qualitätsanspruch: pur – einfach – aufs Wesentliche beschränkt
Read moreCrossFit Basel
- Room sponsoring
- Coaches
- Trainings
CrossFit Basel, das Original: Seit 2009 trainieren wir in Gruppen funktionelle, alltägliche Bewegungen. Unser Training ist abwechslungsreich und wird von professionellen Coaches begleitet. Spielerisch lernen wir Bewegungen und Fähigkeiten und zum Ende des Trainings machen wir ein anstrengendes Workout, der Spass kommt dabei nie zu kurz.
Read moreGsünder Basel
- Room sponsoring
- Coaches
- Trainings
Gsünder Basel engagiert sich seit über 30 Jahren in der Region Basel mit Herzblut für die Gesundheitsförderung vor allem von Erwachsenen. Das vielfältige Angebot an Kursen, Referaten und speziellen Projekten motiviert zu regelmässiger Bewegung, bewusster Entspannung und ausgewogener Ernährung. Mit Genuss und Spass zu einem aktiven und gesunden Lebensstil – das ist das oberste Ziel von Gsünder Basel.
Read moreTahi Fitness GmbH
- Coaches
- Trainings
Tahi CrossFit wants to support and help you create a healthy relationship with fitness while the community stands at the center of every program - whether that be CrossFit, HYROX, or Yoga! This is also where their name comes from: “Tahi” is Maori and means “together” “as one” - because getting fitter, pushing your boundaries, and achieving your goals is always better when doing it with a group of people by your side! Over the past years, their community has grown and - in line with their name - they have been able to welcome people from all walks of life, creating an open-minded, committed, and welcoming community. They are proud to say that they have over 20 different nationalities represented at Tahi CrossFit!
Read moreRoundabout
- Coaches
Roundabout offers our participants a weekly street dance course.
Read moreReconnecting Circles Basel
- Room sponsoring
- Coaches
- Trainings
Das im Quartier St. Johann gelegene Mehrzweckstudio von Reconnecting Circles ist ein Ort der kreativen Begegnung, Bewegung, Kunst und Nachhaltigkeit. Hier trifft eine vielfältige Auswahl an urbanen Tanzstilen aufeinander, darunter House Dance, Afro, Dancehall, Hip-Hop Freestyle sowie Breakdance für Kinder. Das Angebot richtet sich an Menschen jeden Alters und jeder Erfahrungsstufe, von Anfänger:innenn bis zu Profi-Tänzer:innen. Zusätzlich bereichern Brazilian Zouk und verschiedene Social Dances das breite Tanzangebot, während Pilates und Skhumbafit für schweisstreibende Workouts sorgen. Seit der Eröffnung des Studios fördert Reconnecting Circles eine offene und unterstützende Gemeinschaft, in der Menschen unterschiedlicher Hintergründe zusammenkommen, um sich auszudrücken und zu wachsen.
Read moreMediafit Swiss International GmbH
- Material donations
- Discount
Mediafit Swiss International GmbH ist seit 26 Jahren ein internationales Unternehmen, das sich auf Gesundheit, Sport, Fitness, Wellness und Rehabilitation spezialisiert hat. Sie bieten nicht nur Produkte von A-Z an, sondern auch ein umfassendes Sortiment aus dem weiten Bereich des Gesundheitswesens. Seit 2024 unterstützt uns Mediafit mit Spenden von Sportartikeln wie Yogablöcken und Fitnessbändern. Ausserdem bietet uns das Unternehmen einen vergünstigten Zugang zu weiteren Artikeln, die wir bei ihnen bestellen können.
Read morePickleball Hub by Pickleball Corner
- Coaches
- Trainings
Pickleball Hub's mission is to expand the pickleball community and get more people interested in this exciting sport. They open their training sessions to our participants and offer them the opportunity to use pop-up pickleball courts at different locations. Whether you are experienced or a beginner, you will find the perfect place to improve your game and have fun.
Read moreAcross the Limits
- Trial sessions
Across the Limits is a family-run sports studio that knows all its members and their individual strengths and development needs and pays special attention to them. Their holistic approach encourages the development of lasting, healthy movement patterns to prevent discomfort and support their members on their journey to a strong and fit body. Across the Limits opens one of its training courses to refugees from our organisation.
Read moreCrossFit Züri Oberland
- Trainings
CrossFit Züri Oberland has been bringing together people from different cultures, social backgrounds and age groups for a decade with the common goal of leading a fit and healthy life.
Read moresur le pont
«Sur le pont» bringt Menschen zusammen und schafft damit eine vielfältige Gemeinschaft in Basel. Personen, die geflüchtet, migriert oder hier aufgewachsen sind, gestalten lebendige und kreative Aktivitäten in Basel, wobei Projekte bewusst gemeinsam organisiert und durchgeführt werden.
Read moreQuartierzentrum Schütze Flex 4 / Stadt Zürich Soziale Dienste
- Room sponsoring
The City of Zurich Social Services support individuals, groups, institutions and organisations in the implementation of socio-cultural ideas by renting out a total of 19 rooms for activities and events in the neighbourhood at eight locations in districts 3, 4 and 5.
Read moreSWICA Gesundheitsorganisation
- Event sponsoring
SWICA promotes sport and exercise like no other insurer and therefore maintains successful partnerships and sponsorships with numerous sports organisations. Thanks to SWICA's generous support, our running group is able to take part in the Zurich Marathon.
Read moreZürcher Silvesterlauf
- Event sponsoring
The Zürcher Silvesterlauf is a fun run and street race that has been held annually in mid-December in Zurich's old town since 1977. For many years, "Dä Lauf für alli" has supported the Sportegration initiative in the spirit of sporting togetherness.
Read moreMarkus Ryffel AG
- Event sponsoring
Markus Ryffel's GmbH (formerly Ryffel Running) was founded with the aim of bringing holistic well-being through physical activity to a broad section of the population. Its core competencies include the organisation and implementation of national running activities such as events, workshops, active holidays as well as training and further education. Outside of Switzerland, active holidays and marathon trips are also offered. Markus Ryffel AG has generously provided our running group with free starting places for the Greifensee Run 2024.
Read moreFachstelle für Gewaltprävention Stadt Zürich
- further education
The Fachstelle für Gewaltprävention Stadt Zürich is committed to recognising and dealing with violent phenomena in the city of Zurich and promotes non-violent coexistence. It supports schools as well as youth and leisure organisations in the area of intervention and prevention. It initiates projects in the field of violence prevention in schools and leisure activities and represents the Department of Education and Sport in external and interdepartmental bodies. The Violence Prevention Unit is made up of the specialist areas of schools, youth and leisure organisations and prevention programmes. Together with the Violence Prevention Unit, we organise annual workshops for our volunteers to ensure that they are sensitised to relevant topics.
Read moreJugenarbeit Uster
- Discount
Offene Jugendarbeit Uster supports young people in their independence and integration through participatory measures. Together with them, a training course was organised in Uster that is open to all young people and young adults in the region and is free and voluntary. This training is aimed in particular at young refugees in order to promote their integration and participation.
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Our community partners
Plentii gives nonprofits more visibility and provides them with the tools they need to efficiently gather resources and stay connected to their community, both online and offline.
Read moreAsyLex
AsyLex is a non-profit association based in Switzerland. AsyLex supports asylum seekers throughout the process with legal advice. Their vision is for every asylum seeker in Switzerland to understand the basics of the asylum procedure, to know the criteria for granting asylum and to have access to legal advice at all times.
Read moreAsyLex
Solinetz is an association that campaigns for the dignity and rights of people seeking refuge in Switzerland for political or existential reasons. Through a varitety of projects, Solinetz contributes to improving the living conditions of several hundred refugees in the Zurich area.
Read moreKombi
Thanks to the Kombi project, people affected by a negative asylum decision and volunteers are brought together in teams of two or three.
Read moreGlocal Roots
The goal of Glocal Roots is to give refugees the opportunity to act autonomously. The association offers platforms, networks and structures for people with a migration background, which shall enable them to make independent decisions and to shape their lives more autonomously. The association has already successfully implemented a wide range of projects in Greece, along the Balkan route and in Switzerland for people with a migration background.
Read moreSchweizerisches Rotes Kreuz Kanton Zürich
At the Canton of Zurich’s Youth Red Cross (JRK), you can get support people. Are you between 15 and 30 years old and want to make a valuable contribution to society? The JRK helps children and young people in challenging situations as well as asylum seekers and elderly people in need of support.
Read moreSCI Switzerland
For 100 years, SCI Switzerland has been organizing international and local volunteer assignments that contribute to peace in a broad sense: social justice, sustainable development, equality, solidarity and non-violent conflict resolution. SCI Switzerland offers assignments in Switzerland and in over 90 other countries, ranging from short-term assignments of two weeks to one-year long assignments.
Read moreacademia
Since 2004, Academia Integration has specialised in the linguistic and cultural integration of children, young people and adults in Switzerland. Integration is more than just learning a language, which is why Academia Integration further conveys culture, customs and traditions and offers a hand in coping with everyday situations. Academia Integration ensures a safe and focused teaching environment, supports participants in the optimal way and are always striving for individual solutions.
Read moreFachstelle für Gewaltprävention
Die Fachstelle für Gewaltprävention des Schul- und Sportdepartements ist eine Anlaufstelle für die Volksschule und Jugendorganisationen der Stadt Zürich, im Zusammenhang mit Gewalt. Die Fachstelle bietet zahlreiche Dienstleistungen und arbeitet dabei eng mit diversen städtischen Akteuren zusammen.
Read moreYogaPro
Tanja Fürst and Sonja Preisig have founded the YogaPro association. Its aim and purpose is to promote equal opportunities in the area of health. To this end, low-threshold yoga projects are being set up. Furthermore, individuals and organisations are to be professionally accompanied and supported in this endeavour. They use yoga as a unifying element to bring women from different cultures together in a respectful way.
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Züri rennt
Behind Züri rännt are Marianne Haller and Robert Peterhans, two people with a passion for running as a community experience. Their commitment to low-threshold, open access to running in a group began in 2000 out of frustration with the offerings in Zurich at the time, which focussed almost exclusively on performance and the obligations of traditional sports clubs. SPORTEGRATION has always been involved in promoting the integrative approach to running.
Read moreSwissdonations
SwissDonations is a charity organisation that aims to promote and facilitate donations in Switzerland and give charities more visibility through our digital portal.
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